Calgary company sues world’s largest Qadiani Temple
From the Calgary Herald on Friday the 19th: A Calgary-based company has sued the country’s largest mosque for nearly $4 million in allegedly unpaid bills related to a contract to construct the...
View ArticleQadiani leader calls Ground Zero mosque an affront to “human decency”
Two weeks ago, the Assistant National Director of Interfaith Relations for the Majlis Khuddamul Ahmadiyya came out in opposition to the proposed Islamic center in downtown Manhattan (“the Ground Zero...
View ArticleThe Largest Mosque in Western Europe
The Ahmadiyya claims to have “the largest mosque in Western Europe”. This claim was made when I was still a member of the Ahmadiyya group and of course, I repeated it without question. We were urged...
View ArticlePeople of the Book
Qadiani Ahmadis don’t pray behind Muslim imams, because Muslims reject their prophet Mirza. They consider us “people of the book” insofar as they would allow Muslim women to marry Qadiani men, but...
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